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> History

1974.03. Founded as the name of Seoyeoung Pharm.Co.,Ltd.
Import from Scharper & Brummer in Germany.
1976.08. Import the soft capsule of Kavaform from Dr. Schwab in Germany.
1988.07. Undertook the company of Dongbu Pharm.Co.,Ltd.
1989.03. Installed facilities of injection items.
1991.05. Newly moved into factory and construction at MunMak, Kwangwon province.
1992.10. Changed the company name and president as Woonam Pharm. Co., Ltd and Mr. Soo-Jong Kwak.
1992.12. To bigin manufacture as the OEM basis.
2000.03. Moved Head Office.
2001.12. Got approval KGSP from Government.

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